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上周,EOS中文社区制作了一段关于B1诉讼的视频。 该视频展示了B1曾经所犯的错误以及EOS网络基金会为保护 EOS 生态系统所做的努力。本文视频的文字版本,以下为正文。中本版本:2017年初:曾成功
上周,EOS中文社区制作了一段关于B1诉讼的视频。 该视频展示了B1曾经所犯的错误以及EOS网络基金会为保护 EOS 生态系统所做的努力。

2017年初:曾成功开发过BTS、STEEM的区块链天才创始人BM选择第三次创业,EOS在被寄予「区块链 3.0」、「以太坊杀手」等期望下诞生。







2018年7月-2021年:三年来,EOS生态几乎没有扶持,导致开发者、用户大量流失,生态凋零;反观作为母公司的Block.one,一方面手握41亿美元众筹却对生态无动于衷,而是选择持有14万枚BTC;另一方面,回购Galaxy Digital股权花费7500万美元;购买Voice域名花费3000万美元,诉讼和解花费2750万美元,斥重金宣布成立Bullish去中心化交易所…Block.one过往的投资中可以说是均已失败告终,备受关注的Voice、Bullish项目至今仍未步入正轨。


2021年1月:由于与Block.one CEO Brendan Blumer 的矛盾和公司内部斗争,创始人BM宣布从Block.one离职。


2021年8月:在EOS节点、社区、代币持有者等多方生态利益相关者的支持下,深耕EOS生态多年的 Yves La Rose正式筹建EOS网络基金会,并代表社区与Block.one展开多轮谈判,要求Block.one停止胡作非为,为EOS生态负责。


2021年12月8日,Block.one未对谈判做出正式回应,EOS 网络的共17个主节点、8个备用节点同意执行提案「停止释放Block.one 的账户代币」,EOS生态宣告「解雇」母公司Block.one,开启独立发展之路。





EOS 网络基金会宣布向Block.one采取法律手段这一行为,不仅代表 EOS 社区心声并符合生态最佳利益,更是 EOS 与 Block.one 彻底分裂、独立发展的重要标志。



Early in 2017,BM(Dan Larimer),the blockchain genius founder who has successfully developed BTS(BitShares) and STEEM, chose to start a business for the third time. EOS was born under the expectations of “Blockchain 3.0” and “Ethereum Killer”.

On June 26, 2017,EOS started a 340-day ICO crowdfunding.

On June 1, 2018,EOS crowdfunding ended, raising a total of $4.1 billion, making it the largest ICO financing in the world.

As the parent company of EOS, Block.one made various commitments during the crowdfunding period to ensure that EOS will surpass Ethereum and become a super low-level public chain carrying a large number of commercial-grade applications.

In return for supporting the EOS network, Block.one would receive 100 million EOS tokens within 10 years according to the network release rules.

EOS has grown rapidly,and Block.one maintained a positive image and made various commitments to gain community support at this time.

On June 15, 2018,the EOS mainnet vote rate exceeded 15% and the mainnet was officially online.

In the three years, from July 2018 to 2021,there has been little support for the EOS ecosystem, resulting in a large loss of developers and users, and withering the ecosystem.

However,Block.one, the parent company, is indifferent to the ecosystem while holding $4.1 billion in crowdfunding, but chose to hold 140,000 BTC.On the other hand, it cost $75 million to repurchase Galaxy Digital’s equity,$30 million to purchase the domain name of Voice , $27.5 million to settle the lawsuit and splurged on announcing the establishment of Bullish,the decentralized exchange.It can be said that Block.one’s past investments have all failed and the Voice and Bullish that have attracted much attention have not yet been on track.

Block.one is like an evil dragon occupying treasures in the Western world.On the one hand, more and more wealth is accumulated around the evil dragon of Block.one.On the other hand, the EOS ecosystem is gradually withering.

In January 2021,due to conflicts with Brendan Blumer,the CEO of Block.one and internal struggles within Block.one, BM(Dan Larimer) who is the EOS founder announced his departure from Block.one.

In August 2021,with the support of various stakeholders such as BPS, EOS community, token holders, etc., Yves La Rose who has been deeply involved in the EOS ecosystem for many years officially established the EOS Network Foundation and represented the community to initiate several negotiations with Block.one which required Block.one to stop acting indiscriminately and be responsible for the EOS ecosystem.

Recommended by everyone, the Dragon Slayer EOS Network Foundation appeared, faced the evil dragon Block.one, and bravely negotiated with Block.one on behalf of the community.

On December 8, 2021, Block.one didn’t officially respond to the negotiation. A total of 17 master BPS and 8 backup BPS of the EOS network agreed to implement the proposal of “Stop ongoing payments to Block.one”and the EOS ecosystem fired the parent company Block.one, and started the new and independent development.

Negotiations failed and the Dragon Slayer,EOS Network Foundation sanctioned the evil Dragon,Block.one.

But this is far from sufficient.

Block.one holds the $4.1 billion which was obtained by the EOS crowdfunding.This part of the funds should belong to the EOS ecosystem, and Block.one should not and will not be able to retreat.

On February 10, 2022, the EOS Network Foundation took legal action:Block.one is demanding the return of $4.1 billion to enable the EOS ecosystem.

The EOS Network Foundation has hired a leading Canadian law firm to hold accountable for Block.one’s past actions and broken promises against the EOS community and investors, and review all possible legal resources including but not limited to initiate formal legal proceedings against Block.one.

The announcement that the EOS Network Foundation would take legal action against Block.one not only represents the voice of the EOS community and conforms to the best interests of the EOS ecosystem, but also is an important symbol of EOS completely split and independently developed from Block.one.

As the investigation progresses, the EOS Network Foundation will update the latest developments to the community. Looking forward to the 4 billion DAO coming!



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